MikeChristensen.Blog Learning To Be A Peacemaker "Are you a peacemaker? What does it mean to be a peacemaker?"
MikeChristensen.Blog A Heavy Heart That heavy heart that aches you, That pains you to your soul, Is actually a sign that you, Are stronger than you know,
MikeChristensen.Blog Asking Questions: How To Level Up In Life “ Questions are like a secret super power to getting through life. A hidden key to unlock an unseen door. A tool that if used correctly and sincerely, can chisel and shape you and the people you talk to into stronger, more capable and connected versions of yourselves.”
MikeChristensen.Blog The Water We Bring "It’s not really about how much water we bring. It’s more about the change that occurs once we’ve brought whatever water we could."
MikeChristensen.Blog Seeking Solace Among the Storms “Where can I turn for peace? Where is my solace when other sources cease to make me whole?”
MikeChristensen.Blog Amazing Grace "...there is no Divine vending machine. Our good works are not tallied up on some giant heavenly whiteboard earning us one more brick on our heavenly mansion."
TomPittman.Blog Your Legacy Write your role as the person who overcame injustice and adversity with courage, persistence, grace, and gratitude — and rose above darkness that sought your soul.
MikeChristensen.Blog It Could Happen "I think as I get older, the idea of 'it could happen' slowly becomes 'it's probably not going to happen' until it eventually settles into 'it's never going to happen.'... I'm tired of feeling this way"
MikeChristensen.Blog Everything's Fine There does come a time where trying to convince myself “Everything’s Fine” is not the answer.
MikeChristensen.Blog "No Vale" You have tremendous worth. Inherent worth. More than you can possibly imagine.
MikeChristensen.Blog The Beauty of Dissonance Dissonance, alone, is not enjoyable or beautiful. But mixed in with musical harmonies, all of a sudden it becomes the most interesting and beautiful part of the song.