A Father's Love
Embracing softly with a squeeze, The silence of the moment speaks: “Dear child, don’t you know that I, Will never leave your gentle side?"

A fathers love is strong and firm,
The fusing bond outlasts it’s term,
There is no pain, there is no hurt,
Forgiving arms cannot assert,
Forgiveness learned from innocence,
Bestowed by young of insolence,
And in that moment sting is gone,
Like magic, disappeared, forlorn,
With quickness as a thought or breath,
There enters in a swelling depth,
It fills within the cavities,
Extends beyond extremities,
It pulses, pushing through thin air,
Magnetic forces drawing near,
Connecting to a child’s soul,
A heart that’s pure as precious gold,
Embracing softly with a squeeze,
The silence of the moment speaks:
“Dear child, don’t you know that I,
Will never leave your gentle side?
For all your needs I will provide,
I will protect, I will reside,
That if it came to you or I,
That in a heart beat I would die?
My life for you I'd freely give,
No hesitation that you live,
But live for you, now that attains,
A worthy, more important gain,
I’ll listen softly every day,
No matter what your troubles sway,
I'll clutch the burdens that you bear,
I'll even grasp if I'm not there,"
But live or die, the task at hand,
Of being Father rightly stands,
An honor and a blessing for,
My quiet inundated soul,
And as I kiss your head goodnight,
I leave the room, turn out the light,
I think of my Father Divine,
The One who gave to all mankind,
The God of Heaven and of Earth,
Who knew me since before my birth,
Do all these feelings I assess,
Profoundly kept within my chest,
Align with how my Father feels?
Is He attentive when I kneel?
Is He desirous, just as I,
To be enthused when at my side?
To watch with pride and joyful heart,
When I accomplish? Learn? Impart?
To mourn with me when I'm in pain,
Forgiveness bursting through His veins?
Perhaps the next time I forget,
And feel alone, filled with regret,
That there's a Father's love, like mine,
A love no less than His divine,
Just waiting to be thus unleashed!
It fiercely flows to never cease!
Until the next time I fall through,
Just like, indeed, my children do.