MikeChristensen.Blog The Hand-Snatch Game It seems to be human nature to test the boundaries of complacency by inching closer and closer to a known danger convincing ourselves we won’t get harmed.
MikeChristensen.Blog Hear Him "Hear Him, Can you hear Him? When you're near Him, Are you listening to the pause? Hear Him, Can you hear Him? He is speaking through the silence, To your heart."🎵
MikeChristensen.Blog Balance "Balance is that sweet spot right in the middle. And the truth is we are only passers by to it as our pendulum swings back and forth from light to dark."
MikeChristensen.Blog Clarity To reach the peak of clarity is an encouraging albeit unattainable goal.
MikeChristensen.Blog The Invention of Scared "Dad, I think they invented scary so we could become braver and stronger."
MikeChristensen.Blog BYU Vocal Point and The Sing-Off "To enlighten the hearts and minds of those within the sound of our voice to the filling of their souls with joy"
MikeChristensen.Blog Fulfillment in Family The intense service rendered in the name of family is the water and sunlight for a seed, the sweat and soreness for strength, and the matches and lighter fluid for a raging bonfire.
MikeChristensen.Blog Time In The Day Yes perhaps as I ponder events of the day, Then as long as I can without wavering say, “The best that I could with the time that I had,” Is fulfilling enough and sufficiently glad.
MikeChristensen.Blog Placement Over Power When approaching the goal and prepping for a shot, it is more important to accurately place the ball where you want it to go rather than just kick it as hard as you can at the goal.
MikeChristensen.Blog Become As Little Children Jesus invites us to become like little children. Not childish, but childlike- aspiring to have attributes that children naturally possess.
MikeChristensen.Blog Don't Quit The Piano To those that have taken the time to learn and carry with them years of practicing piano... it almost feels like a superpower. A gift you've been given. A gift that keeps on giving. The musical version of teaching a man to fish.