Fixing America's Classified Documents Problem

Congress should pass a law making it illegal to print classified documents, and that all consumption of classified materials will be limited to devices that are secured and maintained by the government.

Fixing America's Classified Documents Problem
Photo by AbsolutVision / Unsplash

The failure of elected officials at the highest levels to adhere to document protocols is a national security risk for America — and a political embarrassment for both parties.

But the solution is simple.

I just wonder if lawmakers have the political will to do what is so obviously right.

Congress should pass a law making it illegal to print classified documents.

Once classified material goes analog, access to that information is extremely hard to control.

In fact, national security becomes a matter of trusting humans to do the right and careful thing — which we've repeatedly proven we cannot do.

Therefore, the "Document Security Act of 2023" needs to mandate that all consumption of classified materials will be limited to devices that are secured and maintained by the government — devices such as special tablets that have been locked down and secured with facial recognition and other safeguards.

This way a digital log can be kept of every person who accesses a classified document, including making snapshots or video of the person's face while reading, watching, or listening to the classified material. Also, the times, dates, and locations the documents were accessed should be recorded as well.

But what if someone prefers to read paper?


Indulging their 1980s thinking is a risk to national security.

Part of the problem of document management is the human ego: some people just think they are so important that rules apply to others and not to them. Part of the problem is carelessness: there is a lot to do and details get lost in the flow.

But these people have been given a sacred trust by the voters of the United States of America to be good stewards over this great country.

It's time officials prioritized that trust over their own self-interest.

It's time for the document management for classified information to go digital-only (with paper backups in secure locations if warranted).

Thanks for listening.