DanPeterson.Blog Seeking help from readers in Canada, the UK, and beyond Streaming services Deseret Video+ and Living Scriptures seem to work differently in different countries — as, of course, do DVDs. I could use your feedback.
DanPeterson.Blog An infallible formula for never lapsing into inactivity in the Church When he first shared his formula I thought, "That's it?! Really?" But decades later it seems a little bit less empty to me, and a little bit wiser, than it did when I first heard it.
DanPeterson.Blog Don L. Lind, RIP A faithful Latter-day Saint, Don Lind was a retired NASA astronaut with a doctorate in high-energy nuclear physics. Here are my stories with him.
MikeChristensen.Blog God Knew There is no greater blessing than family. There is no greater love than the love for children. Before Chandler was born, my wife and I did not know just how much we needed him in our family.
DanPeterson.Blog At IANDS My wife and I spent much of the day at the annual conference of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), which is being held (through Sunday morning) in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was fascinating, as I expected it to be.
TomPittman.Blog Rage against the machine – but no actionable plan As machines evolve, how will humans?
DanPeterson.Blog An ancient idiom in 2 Nephi 4:33, as well as a demonic attack in Lancashire Wrote Heber Kimball, "I then sat on the bed and could distinctly see the evil spirits, who foamed and gnashed their teeth upon us. We gazed upon them about an hour and a half".
TomPittman.Blog The Wisdom Bearers The Tlingit word for elder, "at wuskóowu", is also the Tlingit word for "wisdom bearer". When people embrace healthy attitudes about aging and the elderly, the entire society benefits.
DanPeterson.Blog "What You Didn’t Hear About the LGBT Pamphlet at BYU" This article, written by the forthright and courageous Cassandra Hedelius, is both extremely important and extremely concerning.
DanPeterson.Blog Into Thin Air? Full-throated denunciations of the Church over recent incidents have been obviously eager. As more details come to light, will critics adjust their views to align with facts?
DanPeterson.Blog Controversies Past and Present In my years of experience at BYU — which represent most of my adult life, as either student or faculty member — I did not find racism endemic or even very common. (As a matter of fact, although I assume that it existed, I never saw it at all.).
DanPeterson.Blog Thinking, from Dover back to Amsterdam It worries me is that a large number of Americans, many of them members of the social, economic, and political elite, no longer seem to recognize much if any value in the freedom of religion