DanPeterson.Blog What were the Voree Plates? In 1845, former member of the Church James Strang claimed to have found ancient metal plates. What were the Voree Plates?
DanPeterson.Blog Vladimir Kara-Murza and a Friend Significant moderation analyses suggest that a stronger relationship with God predicted fewer depression and anxiety symptoms for youth whose mothers used more religious coping.
DanPeterson.Blog Of Rainbow Flags and Anarchy There has never been a society in human history in which nobody has exercised authority over anybody else. Moreover, pending the Millennium and the Second Coming, if even then, there will never be such a society.
DanPeterson.Blog Is my faith ‘terrible for women’? Let the debate proceed. But, please, let it be without demonizing opponents and, as much as possible, without acrimony and hatred.
DanPeterson.Blog An experience with Hugh Nibley Just before Hugh Nibley's lecture, a fire marshal told me it was illegal to have people sitting in the aisles, and that I would need to tell them to leave. Which I did. Making me perhaps not quite the most beloved person in the room that evening.
DanPeterson.Blog Among the Knights This afternoon I spoke at the Joseph and Polly Knight Family Reunion. On Monday I’m slated to give a devotional address for Mikuni International College in Niigata, Japan. Then on Tuesday I'm giving a devotional address for Ensign College. Months ago these 3 talks seemed like a good idea.
DanPeterson.Blog Jonathan Edwards’s Unique Role in an Imagined Church History Jonathan Neville claims that Joseph Smith’s vocabulary and translation of the Book of Mormon were deeply influenced by the famous Protestant minister Jonathan Edwards.
DanPeterson.Blog Apropos of nothing in particular *** On the flight from Munich, I began reading Rolf Dobelli, Die Kunst
DanPeterson.Blog Maybe it improved after this? *** Although I had his kind permission to share this here already a
DanPeterson.Blog What might have been *** During much of my life, especially during my earlier years, the so-called