DanPeterson.Blog On Being "Perfect" (Part Two) In our effort to understand Matthew 5:48, we should certainly not ignore the verse’s context.
TomPittman.Blog How to truly stop tanking in the NBA Replace the NBA lottery with "Premium Selection", a system that allows the top 15 draft prospects to choose their own team from among the 18 worst NBA teams.
DanPeterson.Blog If there is no God, is everything permitted? I am not arguing that unbelievers cannot do good or be good people. I know for a fact that non-believers can be moral and good. If there's no God, then what we call morality evolves to facilitate socieities.
DanPeterson.Blog Time to Think Sometimes the always-urgent search for angles of attack against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints runs into obstacles.
TomPittman.Blog Brave is what you do Fear is what you feel. Brave is what you do. Whatever our fears, give them thought in advance, and try to figure out how you can respond when faced them, rather than react.
DanPeterson.Blog Links Left Lying I share now a bunch of links, in simple chronological order, that I’ve been accumulating for a while.
DanPeterson.Blog "Six Days in August" reach an early milestone The first draft of the script for the coming feature film Six Days in August is complete and being carefully evaluated.
DanPeterson.Blog Hot Off the Press! We will shout, we will sing o’er and o’er,As we greet with a kiss,And with joy we caressAll our loved ones that passed on before;
DanPeterson.Blog Truly He has Risen! We're worn out. Commonly our days seem very dark. Have we believed in vain? The tomb was empty, Jesus had risen. So for all of us Easter will come. Our Saturday of uncertainty and defeat does not, will not, continue forever.
TomPittman.Blog The Internet's Role in Mass Shootings Data suggests that the rise in mass shootings parallels the rise in internet pervasiveness.
TomPittman.Blog It's not TikTok, it's Congress Pundits and politicians are blaming TikTok and other tech-based companies for problems that are actually caused by political incompetence.