DanPeterson.Blog Religiosity, Depression, and Life Expectancy An 11-year study of 9,815 "active California Mormon adults" concluded that "the Mormon lifestyle" is associated with substantially reduced death rates and increased life expectancy.
TomPittman.Blog The Poor in Spirit (Who can Write in Cursive) Older adults comprise 12% of the population, yet they make up approximately 18% of suicides. And experts estimate that 90% of older adults who attempt suicide have untreated (or under-treated) depression.
TomPittman.Blog The Poor in Spirit (Who Wear Grippy Socks) It's easy to look at the struggles of the younger generation and think that we were somehow better at that age. It's also easy to be unintentionally judgmental and unhelpful.
MikeChristensen.Blog Fulfillment in Family The intense service rendered in the name of family is the water and sunlight for a seed, the sweat and soreness for strength, and the matches and lighter fluid for a raging bonfire.
TomPittman.Blog Don't be hatin' on Santa! Those of us who prefer a Christ-centered Christmas should guard against being judgy of the secondary symbols of Christmas.
TomPittman.Blog "I said NO!" Even if I didn't like it — or understand it — there is no denying that my mother loved me and was only looking out for me. Over time my experiences have taught me that God loves me and watches out for me in a similar fashion.
TomPittman.Blog That Unforgettable Thanksgiving They were the only couple I knew in our school who were poorer than we were.
TomPittman.Blog Harry Potter and the Anchorage Flasher We'll never forget what happened to us that cold November day in Anchorage, Alaska as we waited to see our first-ever Harry Potter movie.
TomPittman.Blog Elon Musk's "High Intensity" Mismanagement The weirdest week in Silicon Valley history just happened, and the crazy is not over yet by a long shot!
TomPittman.Blog I don't speak for the Church — and neither do you The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said Tuesday it would back proposed federal legislation to safeguard same-sex marriages.
MikeChristensen.Blog Time In The Day Yes perhaps as I ponder events of the day, Then as long as I can without wavering say, “The best that I could with the time that I had,” Is fulfilling enough and sufficiently glad.