MikeChristensen.Blog Become As Little Children Jesus invites us to become like little children. Not childish, but childlike- aspiring to have attributes that children naturally possess.
DanPeterson.Blog Cardinal Dolan and his church Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the tenth archbishop of the diocese of New York, was a great friend of the late Elder L. Tom Perry of the Council of the Twelve Apostles. They agreed, I’m told, to abandon titles and to call one another simply “Tim” and “Tom”.
TomPittman.Blog Commandeering Columbus Day is an iffy way to honor Native Americans Giving Native Americans a holiday that was originally established for another purpose is like giving your wife a bouquet of flowers that was originally purchased and used for someone else's funeral. Sure, she got flowers, but did she really get a heartfelt token of your love and appreciation?
DanPeterson.Blog Virtual Fireside Tonight on “Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saint Temple Ordinances” We are doing the best that we can, within the significant constraints imposed upon us by the sacredness of the temple and, of course, by our own covenants concerning that sacredness, to deepen understanding of temple concepts and practices and to enhance appreciation for them.
TomPittman.Blog Have you never been mellow? One night in college I witnessed a man spend hours tearing down the faith of my roommates. The night became a life-lesson that I'm sure none of us have forgotten.
DanPeterson.Blog Did Lucy Harris Support the Book of Mormon? I join my voice with that of John Taylor and millions of others; I’m not backing away from Joseph Smith, the Prophet who opened this last dispensation. Not even close.
DanPeterson.Blog The Halifax Explosion For a brief instant, the sea floor of the harbor was even exposed to view. Tsunamis passed through portions of the city repeatedly, then also repeatedly receded, pulling rubble and people with them back into the water. The entire residential district known as Richmond was obliterated.
DanPeterson.Blog Funny, Touching, Titanic I do hope that the real J. Dawson is aware of the attention that he’s receiving, and that he appreciates it.
DanPeterson.Blog On his eightieth birthday When he died quite suddenly a little more than ten years ago, my brother was still a very vivid personality and, I thought, entirely vigorous and healthy. And, accordingly, that is how he is fixed in my mind and my memory still today.
DanPeterson.Blog Et in Acadia ego Last night, I spoke on a fairly long Zoom call with a friend who is a former mission president. He and his wife leave within a few days for a service mission in Kurdistan (specifically, in Sulaymāniyyah [السليمانية], northern Iraq, not too far from the border of Iran).
DanPeterson.Blog Should religious colleges and universities be permitted to continue having codes for student and faculty behavior? "There is evidence that religious involvement is usually associated with better mental health."
TomPittman.Blog Fear is a reaction; courage is a decision There was no way I was going to raise my hand and reveal to the entire class that I am the dumb one in the room.