Virtual Fireside Tonight on “Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saint Temple Ordinances”

We are doing the best that we can, within the significant constraints imposed upon us by the sacredness of the temple and, of course, by our own covenants concerning that sacredness, to deepen understanding of temple concepts and practices and to enhance appreciation for them.

Virtual Fireside Tonight on “Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saint Temple Ordinances”
The Manhattan New York Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is located across the street from Lincoln Center in New York City, was dedicated on 13 June 2004 by President Gordon B. Hinckley (

Here’s a note from Dr. Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, who serves on the board of trustees and as one of the vice presidents of the Interpreter Foundation:

Virtual Fireside on Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saint Temple Ordinances
As is well known, there are elements of the Nauvoo temple ordinances—for example, some of the signs and tokens and related language—that are almost identical in form to those used in Masonic rites. Since modern Freemasonry is largely an 18th century creation, similarities like these seem to undermine Joseph Smith’s claims that the temple ordinances are ancient, going back to the foundation of the world.
This presentation, based on the new book Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saint Temple Ordinances, gives an overview of the relationship between the rites of Masonry and temple ordinances in light of precedents in the Bible, ancient sources, and Freemasonry. My hope is that presenting the temple ordinances in the context of the Bible, ancient traditions—with an eye to relevant perspectives from Freemasonry—will make the comparisons more rich and meaningful.
When: October 9 at 7:00 PM MT
What: Virtual Fireside Presentation for Salt Lake City Federal Heights Ward
Zoom link:
For more information:,
The cover of Jeff Bradshaw’s latest book.

It’s probably also time to remind you that you can learn more about Dr. Bradshaw’s book Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saint Temple Ordinances, and about how to get a copy of it for yourself, on the website of the Interpreter Foundation.

The official poster for the upcoming “Temple on Mount Zion” conference.

And don’t forget about the 2022 Temple on Mount Zion Conference — the Sixth Interpreter Matthew B. Brown Memorial Conference — which is coming up on Friday and Saturday, respectively 4 November and 5 November 2022.  I won’t be able to be there, myself, so I’m expecting you to cover for me.

The Book of Mormon is obviously a major focus of attention for the Interpreter Foundation.  But so, too, is the temple.  We are doing the best that we can, within the significant constraints imposed upon us by the sacredness of the temple and, of course, by our own covenants concerning that sacredness, to deepen understanding of temple concepts and practices and to enhance appreciation for them.

Posted from New York City, New York