What is Content Communication?
Only 8% of our communication is in the actual words spoken. Here is what to do with the other 92%.
[Watch the podcast version of this article here.]
Why is it that people talk and listen and yet seldom communicate? It is because talking and listening are tools, but real communication only happens when there is an exchange of understanding.

Why is it that one out of five of our communications are not fully understood? The answer is not that hard to understand.
There are three subjective message systems we use when we communicate:
- Our facial expression and body language
- Our tone of voice
- Our words
Our brain will give greater weight to facial expression and body language than it will to tone of voice or words. Studies show that we give on average:
- 55% credibility to interpreting meaning by reading facial expression and body language
- 37% to tone of voice, and only
- 8% to the actual words spoken.
Miscommunication happens because we think we understand, but in reality, we misread one of the three message systems. Is there a solution? Yes, there is and if we use it, we will find that only one out of every 50 of our communications are misunderstood!
That means we are going to put 100% of our focus on the words, the content of those words. Say what you mean and mean what you say and do it in a kindly way.
When people agree to become content communicators understanding increases significantly. To practice becoming a content communicator explain to those with whom you want to improve communication that you are going to ignore facial expression and body language and tone of voice and believe their words.
You will be surprised that when you or others are held accountable for their words, they do become accountable and more careful in what they say. Is there an exception? Yes, sometimes when we are upset, we say things we don't mean and for which we have to apologize later.
With that exception, I want to challenge you to become a content comminicator. Say what you mean and mean what you say, and do it in a kindly way.
I promise you, you will become a better communicator and you will better be able to understand and achieve a higher level of understanding those you love the most.