DanPeterson.Blog An untrustworthy NDE account? The near death experience of George G. Ritchie, M.D. has sparked debate with at least a couple people.
JohnLund.Blog What is Content Communication? Only 8% of our communication is in the actual words spoken. Here is what to do with the other 92%.
DanPeterson.Blog Another faith-promoting encounter with law enforcement I offer this story to you as yet another inspiring example of the temporal benefits that clean living and righteousness can bring to the faithful.
DanPeterson.Blog A youthful experience before the bar of justice At this point, my father, who had been silent throughout, asked if he might be permitted to say something, and the judge told him to go ahead.
DanPeterson.Blog She's moving on. Because of illness, my wife and I and one of our sons were unable to participate in the funeral of my brother’s widow this morning in San Gabriel, California. That saddens me greatly.
JohnLund.Blog Why you are frustrated (and how to fix it) All frustration comes from unmet expectations. By all means, alter your tactics and persist, but often the answer is to alter your expectations.
DanPeterson.Blog A note on Latter-day Saint attitudes toward other religious faiths Joseph Smith said, "The same principle which would trample upon the rights of the Latter day Saints would trample upon the rights of ... any other denomination who may be unpopular and too weak to defend themselves."
DanPeterson.Blog Tabernacle and Constitution Perhaps this is why our courtrooms often look like temples, and our judges often wear clerical or priestly robes.
DanPeterson.Blog Ice Cream Among the Health Foods Here’s a really important scientific discovery — and, I think, persuasive evidence that the cultural practices of American Latter-day Saints are true: “Ice cream might have surprising health benefits, Harvard research suggests: The frozen treat might be good for your heart”
DanPeterson.Blog A rather strange notion about Earth’s fall There is a curious speculation that Earth was originally created elsewhere and that its “fall” was a literal one, involving an actual change in location.
DanPeterson.Blog Joseph Mormon Harris? Did Emer Harris, the older brother of Martin Harris, have a positive attitude about the Book of Mormon? Well, he named his son "Joseph Mormon Harris".
MikeChristensen.Blog Hear Him "Hear Him, Can you hear Him? When you're near Him, Are you listening to the pause? Hear Him, Can you hear Him? He is speaking through the silence, To your heart."🎵